Florida Fishing, What YOU Need to Know...

fort desoto Florida school of black drum caught using a gulp shrimp

Want to learn the Ins and Outs of Florida fishing?

This site will help you learn the things you need to know so your next fishing trip you will spend less time fishing and more time catching.

Florida has a lot of fishing opportunities from inshore to offshore, shallow water to deep water.

The key is knowing where and how to catch the type of fish you are targeting.

Here are a few ways to become a better fisherman

  • Get all the information you can from books and the internet

  • Concentrate on fishing one area (if just starting out) instead of jumping from place to place
  • Keep good fish notes , this is the most important thing you can do to consistently catch fish

  • Fish around some sort of structure
  • Pay attention to the water surface look for movement
  • Talk to local anglers in your area

  • Try different baits (artificial and natural), the same bait might not work the same from day to day

  • Hire a fishing guide in your area (probably one of the fastest way to learn)

  • Eventually it all comes down to just putting your time in and finding what works best for you
  • Florida fishing is known for some of the best fishing in the world. You can catch Grouper in the morning and Tarpon in the afternoon as well as many other species, all in a days time.

    We will go over all the things you need to know in detail so you can get your own fishing spots and be successful at catching fish.

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